Central Poland Culinary Heritage Promotion Poland Info

Type: Communities

Convivium leader / spoke person: Klepacz Piotr

introducing the Slow Food philosophy in the area. 2. raise awareness of culinary issues. 3. introduction of Ark of Taste products to local restaurants. 4. linking chefs, kitchens and Slow Food groups. Organising events to achieve these goals.


Dolnoslaski Piernik Figuralny Reenactment Poland Info

Type: Communities

Convivium leader / spoke person: lwanowski Tomasz

The general objective of the Slow Food Community is: 1.Bring back the tradition of figurative pepperbread pastnes as a local, records based. manufactured traditional. historic. and symbolic type of gingerbread. 2 Educate customers in terms of Slow Food philosophy regarding the gingerbread pastnes' history tradition. crafts, symbolics customs. ingredients producers. midia profession. entrepreneurship, art, types and quality 3.Rise the common knowledge about the symbolic figurative pepperbread heritage in Donly Slask region and about the health profits and risks linked to the gingerbread consumption. 4.Introduce the historic figurative Pepperbread into the food markets of Dolny Slask, Poland and Europe. 5.1.The historic figurative Pepperbread manufacturers against the domination mass coclues based co conventional ingredients 6 Support small scale family Pepperbread business and ageiculture connected to the product


Earth Market Targ Pietruszkowy Krakow Poland Info

Type: Communities

Convivium leader / spoke person: Jarmołowska Karolina

The general objective is to improve access to good, clean and fair food. We want to achieve it by shortening the supply chain and eliminating intermediaries between food manufacturers/growers and end customers thus making clean food more affordable and allowing farmers to get fair prices for their products.


Polish Eagle Bean Protection Poland Info

Type: Communities

Convivium leader / spoke person: Stalmach Marta

We are working to protect the variety of Polska Fasola z Orzelkiem bean variety, to make it popular again in order to increase consumption of this bean along with general consumption of legumes and pulses, and decreasing consumption of industrial meat. We want to introduce the PFO bean variety back into our town within urban gardening, in partnership with voyvodship consumers and farmers.
