To Market to Market

From today until Sunday, Zurich will host the first Slow Food Market Switzerland. Over 150 quality producers will be featured at the event, which will also include taste workshops, conferences, children’s activities and an enoteca space.

Slow Food Presidia will have a high profile at the market, with representatives from 10 Swiss Presidia, like Emmentaler, Raw Milk Vacherin Fribourgeois, Müstair Valley Rye Bread and Locarno Valleys Cicitt, as well as two Italian Presidia from the Veneto, Grumolo delle Abbadesse Rice and Biancoperla Corn.

Last night, Slow Food Switzerland held a fundraising dinner for the Thousand Gardens in Africa project, welcoming Slow Food’s founder and president Carlo Petrini, the Italian ambassador to Switzerland, the Italian consul, representatives from the Spanish chamber of commerce, the directors of the Stuttgart Messe, the Slow Food Market organizers and many association members.

After the dinner the guests had chance to make a donation to the Thousand Gardens in Africa project.

If you are in Zurich this weekend, come visit us the Slow Food market and discover the gastronomic traditions of Switzerland.

Click here for more information on the market.

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