Preview in Franciacorta

If you just can’t wait until October for the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, we are offering up a sneak preview hosted by the Contadi Castaldi winery in Franciacorta at the end of september, with two taste workshops dedicated to the most prestigious Italian prosciuttos.

We’ll start at 10.30 am with a virtual tour of Italy with prosciuttos from Slow Food Presidia, concrete examples of a production model based on quality, the recovery of traditional knowledge and techniques and respect for the seasons. Sample prosciutto crudo made from native-breed pigs: Mora Romagnola (Emilia-Romagna), Grigio del Casentino and Macchiaiola Maremmana (Tuscany) and Nero dei Nebrodi (Sicily). Sparkling wines (Brut, Satè 2008, Soul Satèn 2005, Rosé) from Contadi Castaldi in Franciacorta and sourdough bread from Davide Longoni will serve as the perfect foils for these extraordinary hams.
Click here to book.
In the afternoon, we’ll be joined by Carlo Dall’Ava from the Dok prosciuttificio in San Daniele, an expert in prosciutto. He’ll be presenting various types, from different ages of classic San Daniele to new variations developed after years of research in Italy and abroad. You’ll taste San Daniele aged for 16, 24 and 36 months; Fumato, a 16-month-old unbranded, smoked San Daniele; and Patadok, a prosciutto made from Iberian pigs, processed in the Italian style. Carlo’s prosciuttos will be paired with sourdough bread from Davide Longoni and wines from Franciacorta’s Contadi Castaldi (Brut, Satè 2008, Soul Satèn 2005, Rosé).
Click here to book.
Both events are hosted by the Contadi Castaldi winery in Via Colzano, 2 ad Adro (Bs)
See you there!






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