From Puebla to Montepulciano

EXCLUSIVE – The 5th Slow Food International Congress in Puebla, Mexico, last November stressed the need to ‘integrate’ the wide world of Terra Madre — food communities, presidia producers, teachers and educators involved in school garden projects, cooks who apply the principals of good, clean and fair, university students and medical professionals committed to quality food in daily diets — into the movement’s activities to achieve international ‘political’ importance and thus influence the crucial issues, such as globalization and climate change.

The Slow Food International President’s Committee met in Montepulciano, in Tuscany, last weekend to discuss the prime but by no means easy objective: involving more and more young people in food and agriculture issues to favor a return to Mother Earth and the slow life.

Attending the meeting were: Slow Food president Carlo Petrini and vice-presidents Vandana Shiva (India) and John Kariuki (Kenya), the presidents of the seven national associations (France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland and the USA) and the Slow Food international secretary Paolo di Croce.

Participants enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Consortium of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and wine from the Fattoria del Cerro – Saiagricla, Poggio alla Sala and I poderi San Gallo cellars.

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